Women's History Month: Celebrating Empowerment

March is Women’s History Month.  Celebrating women’s history dates back to 1978 in Santa Rosa, California.  As a result of fierce, unwavering advocacy by the National Women’s History Project, in 1980, President Carter issued the first proclamation declaring the week of March 8th  as being National Women’s History week to broadcast women’s historical achievements through the suffragists movement, civil rights movement, and advocating for equal rights under the law.  Momentum and recognition of the week grew across the nation resulting in 1987 Congress passing a law designating March as Women’s History Month.  Since then, the nation has celebrated and honored all women in March.


History helps us learn about our past, understand our present, and shape our future. Women’s History month is time for us to remember the ways that women have blazed new trails, overcome rigid barriers, and created change in our world. 


This year, we celebrate “Women who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.”  The theme recognizes courageous women who are working to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives, systems, and institutions.  Throughout history, women have played critical roles in advocating and advancing legislation, and challenging discriminatory practices, laws, and policies.  Black women, in particular, helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement, as well as efforts for equal pay, and the overall need for social justice reform.  Even now, by examining and boldly challenging existing harmful social policies and behaviors, women are leading the way in making our world more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.  


The celebration of women shouldn’t stop when March ends.  Let’s continue to hold space for/honor those who have stood in the gap for generations to come.  Most importantly, let’s pick up the mantle by leaning in through civic engagement, advocacy, policymaking, and speaking against ideals that threaten to diminish the progress that has been made in social justice, reproductive rights, and gender equality!


Happy Women’ s History Month!


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